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Saturday, 31 August 2013

Septembers Seasonal Foods

September is one of the best seasons for foraging, here is a list of the most common foods you will find in the UK.  September is a great month for preserving, you really need to make the most of what you have now to see you through the winter!

Beech Nuts, Bittercress, Borage, Broad- leaved WH, Chick Weed, Crimson Glory Vine,  Fat Hen/ Lambs Q, Fuchsia, Garlic Mustard, Hazel Nuts, Hedge Mustard, Herb Bennet, Himalayan Balsam, Horse Radish, Lemon Balm, Marsh Samphire, Mint, Nettles, Orache, Oregano, Poppy Seeds,  Rampion, Red Clover, Rose Hips,  Shepard's Purse, Sorrel, Sowthistle, Sweet Cicely, Violets, Water Cress, Wild Rocket

Blackberry, Damson, Darwin Barberries, Fig, Gooseberry, Pear, Plum, Raspberry, Redcurrant, Rowan Berries, Sea Buckthorn, Strawberry  

Aubergine, Beetroot, Broccoli, Butternut Squash, Cabbage, Carrot, Celeriac, Celery, Courgette, Cucumber, Fennel, Garlic, Leek, Lettuce, Mangetout, Marrow, Onion, Parsnip, Peas, Peppers, Potato, Radish, Runner beans, Shallot, Spinach, Swede, Tomato
Duck, Fallow deer, Golden Plover, Goose, Grey Squirrel, Grouse, Hare, Mice, Muntjac deer, Partridge, Rabbit, Rat, Red deer, Roe deer, Sika deer, Snipe, Wood Pigeon
If you would like any recipes for any of the above, Have a glut of a specific item or would like to challenge me to cook something from the list please get in touch :)

Twitter- @zombiefoodbible

1 comment:

  1. I love your site. There is so much good food out there to forage (although I'm vegetarian and would prob. be out foraging longer)and when those damn zombies come scratching at the doors it'll be vital to know how to find and prep. it.
