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Tuesday 20 August 2013

Cat Caught Pigeon, Duck Fat Potatoes and Chilli and Cinnamon Spiced Blackberries

So as some of you will have read earlier my cousin very kindly donated some food my way yesterday which consisted of a pigeon caught by a cat, some scrumped potatoes and some foraged blackberries. I promised a few friends I will publish some before and after photo's and a mini recipe so here it is.

The wild ingredients-
 Pigeon Cleaning- The photos shows the fastest and cleanest way of getting the breast meat from bird. i will show different methods in the future but for now its as simple as plucking the breast plate, slitting along the breast plate on both sides and then following the cut round to remove the breast. This way iswaistful but great for beginers or folk in a hurry

Breast removed not a drop of blood or guts

-The Recipe-
  1. Add a dash of water, your blackberries and some sugar if you have it in a pan. I also added a dash of cinnamon and a tea spoon of chilli powder because i love spice, simmer the pan on a gentle heat for 20 mins for a really nice sauce that goes great with most meat.
  2. Boil the potatoes for 20mins- If you have the time and means fry off your potatoes in duck fat or any fat of your choice with sea salt for a minimum of 10mins.
  3. Fry pigeon breast for 4 mins on each side at a medium heat in a little duck fat or butter until the meat is cooked through.
  4. Assemble on plate and enjoy

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