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Wednesday 21 August 2013

Foraging Fun with Furry Friends

Why forage alone when you can forage with a friend? Furry friends are even better!

As some of you reading may already know almost 6 weeks ago I adopted a four legged friend :) A very naughty Jack Russel X that my work friends n I found on the M1 Motorway, Since then Roger has been just about everywhere with me and has a minimum of 3 walks a day.

Some days I curse the day we brought him home but the other 99% of the time I LOVE his company and enjoy our walks. You may wonder what this has got to do with foraging? A dog can be one of the best foraging tools you will ever have!

  • Roger tells me where another dog/fox has urinated by sniffing or marking the patch himself.
  • You will always have a plastic bag to hand to collect any finds.
  • Not one person has stopped and asked me what i'm doing as i'm eating breakfast straight from the tree.
  • When removing a poop bag from your pocket people just assume your going to pick up dog mess, not the hazel nuts you just found.
  •  When you decide to pull up some horseradish from a roadside where you shouldn't really be picking people once again assume you are cleaning up dog mess.
  • When walking a dog daily you build up a really good foraging map of your area, noticing new trees or plants you didn't notice before and you watch them flower, bloom and ripen meaning you never miss certain fruits coming into season.
  • You dont have to share your bounty :P
  • Dogs are also great at finding road kill
  • Lastly and most importantly when the zombies are amongst us you will have a dog to protect you and make you aware of any zombies presence
So if you don't have a dog borrow one or adopt one :)

Twitter- @zombiefoodbible

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