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Thursday, 3 October 2013

The Rule of Three

For those of you out there who are interested in survival you already be aware of the rule of three, for those of you that don't know, this is basically a memory aid to remind you what's most important in a survival situation and allows you to prioritise. Once you had managed to escape the immediate threat of a zombie attack would you know what steps to take next? Could you figure out what was your most important need based on your situation? The rule of three will help you, The rule goes as follows-

·        3 minutes without air 
·        3 hours without shelter
·        3 days without water
·        3 weeks without food
      3 pints of blood maximum loss
      3 uses of fire- Heat, Water Purification and Cooking

These rules are not solid but a good guide line, Some people can much much more than
3 minutes without air, some people considerably less, also the circumstances change, If you were plunged into ice cold water this figure would be reduced dramatically. 

Shelter will be paramount in a zombie apocalypse, you must not only think about the fact that the human body can fail after 3 hours without shelter in extreme climates, but if you intend on resting you need to make sure you are protected from a zombie attack by being in a secure location such as a building or being very well hidden in by perhaps building a camouflage hide in the woods that will also protect you from cold, wind, rain, sun, desperate humans and flesh eating monsters.
I personally think shelter is the first thing you should aim to find or build in a survival situation.

Water is essential for life!  Our body’s loose water daily through normal bodily functions, urinating, defecating and sweating, the average person can only last 3 days without water. Our bodies gather a lot of water we need each day from the food we eat, if no water is available do not eat as water will be needed to digest the food. You must drink at least 1.2 litres of water per normal day, 2.5 litres when food is not available and even more in extreme situations as our bodies lose more water through exercise, illness and regulating body temperature. 

 There has been documented cases of people lasting almost 6 weeks without food, but 3 weeks without food is the general rule of course some people with a low BMI would not last as long. so with this being said make sure you have shelter and water before you go in search of food.

This is not usually included in the rule of three but I think it is worth noting that the human body can loose no more than 3 pints of blood, It is essential to learn some basic first aid so you can stop bleeding and treat minor injuries that could also lead to infection and death.

3 uses of fire- Heat, Water Purification and Cooking, This is not an official rule but something I feel is hugely important! Fire is a life saver, Fact! It will keep you warm, allow you to purify water, allow you to cook food, keep away bugs and animals, it can allow light in the dark, allow you to dry wet clothing and it will boost moral. Learning fire skills is essential to survival, I have never seen it written on any one else's rule of 3 but for me i think it ties in with food, shelter and water and you cant live without it!

I hope this helps you in the future choose what your next plan of action is based on your needs, so memories that rule of three it could save your life!  
Thank You 

Twitter- @zombiefoodbible


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